Simpescreenrecorder - Software Perekam Desktop Ringan Di Ubuntu - Tempat Blogging

Simpescreenrecorder - Software Perekam Desktop Ringan Di Ubuntu

Kali ini aku akan share tutorial install SimpleScreenRecorder di Ubuntu Linux. Apa itu SimpeScreenRecorder ? SimpeScreenRecorder yaitu aplikasi open source yang dipakai untuk merekam / record desktop di Linux. Kelebihan aplikasi ini yaitu lebih ringan dari aplikasi yang lain dan cara menggunakannya cukup mudah.
Berikut fitur fitur dari SimpleScreenRecorder :

  • Graphical user interface (Qt-based).
  • Faster than VLC and ffmpeg/avconv.
  • Records the entire screen or part of it, or records OpenGL applications directly (similar to Fraps on Windows).
  • Synchronizes audio and video properly (a common issue with VLC and ffmpeg/avconv).
  • Reduces the video frame rate if your computer is too slow (rather than using up all your RAM like VLC does).
  • Fully multithreaded: small delays in any of the components will never block the other components, resulting is smoother video and better performance on computers with multiple processors.
  • Pause and resume recording at any time (either by clicking a button or by pressing a hotkey).
  • Shows statistics during recording (file size, bit rate, total recording time, actual frame rate, ...).
  • Can show a preview during recording, so you don't waste time recording something only to figure out afterwards that some setting was wrong.
  • Uses libav/ffmpeg libraries for encoding, so it supports many different codecs and file formats (adding more is trivial).
  • Can also do live streaming (experimental).
  • Sensible default settings: no need to change anything if you don't want to.
  • Tooltips for almost everything: no need to read the documentation to find out what something does.

Oke eksklusif saja ke tutorial.
Buka terminal dan masukkan command berikut :
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:maarten-baert/simplescreenrecorder && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install simplescreenrecorder simplescreenrecorder-lib:i386
Aplikasinya dapat dibuka melalui terminal dengan command simpelscreenrecorder atau dengan meng klik ikon aplikasi nya.
Contoh hasil rekaman memakai simple screen recorder :


Sekian tutorial kali ini, supaya bermanfaat.

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