Download Firmware Maxtron V16 Nougat 7.0 Spd File Pac
Friday, July 13, 2018
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Firmware Maxtron V16 Nougat 7.0 SPD File PAC - Stock rom ini hasil backup dari hape baru, sebetulnya kasusnya frp atau akun google, saya coba fix frp dengan CM2 ternyata done dan lalu saya backup untuk saya publikasikan kesini, sebab maxtron sebetulnya ada banyak serinya yang disarankan untuk melengkapi per firmware yang ada agar tidak ribet ketika ada user membawa maxtron untuk kita flash.
Adapun Maxtron V16 bootloop cara hard resetnya boleh via recovery-nya dapat dicoba dengan tombol kombinasi berikut : power volume atas, power volume bawah, power dua volume, power home volume. Jika masih gagal, silakan lanjut flash saja.
Cara flash Maxtron V16 dapat kita gunakan research download saja, sebab chipsetnya spreadtrum, dan pastikan driver sudah kita instal sebelumnya.
Maxtron V16 ini juga sama menyerupai seri sebelumnya (lihat serinya dibawah artikel ini), rentan LCD blank dan bergaris sesudah flash, jadi kami sarankan sebelum lanjut ke tahap software sebaiknya dibackup dulu filenya untuk jaga-jaga kalau sesudah flashing menyebabkan dilema gres yang tentunya tidak kita inginkan itu terjadi.
Cara Flash maxtron V16 sebagai berikut :
(Silakan koleksi juga) :
Created by Infinity-Box (c) Chinese Miracle II (c) 2017
Device Brand : MAXTRON
Device Model : V16
Device CPU : sp7731cea
Device IntName : V16
Device Version : 7.0
Device Compile : 12/12/2017 7:55:30
Device Project : MAXTRON_V16_01_20171212
Device ExtInfo : V16
Chinese Miracle II [SPD module] v 1.26
Set mode to : SP [SC773x] eMMC [Android 6.x]
Operation : Format File System / Reset Settings [ v1.26 ]
Settings : SmartFormat is On
1. Remove battery. Insert battery back
2. Press and hold 'VolumeUp' and 'VolumeDown' keys
3. Insert cable
==== Wait for phone...
Phone found! [ 9 ]
Port Opened
Initial Boot Failed!
Boot not done, reason : Wrong BootKeys
Hint : Reset power and use ANOTHER BootKey ( VOL up or VOL down )
Reconnect Power/Cable!
Operation : Format File System / Reset Settings [ v1.26 ]
Settings : SmartFormat is On
1. Remove battery. Insert battery back
2. Press and hold 'VolumeUp' and 'VolumeDown' keys
3. Insert cable
==== Wait for phone...
Phone found! [ 9 ]
Port Opened
Initial Boot Failed!
Boot not done, reason : Wrong BootKeys
Hint : Reset power and use ANOTHER BootKey ( VOL up or VOL down )
Reconnect Power/Cable!
Operation : Format File System / Reset Settings [ v1.26 ]
Settings : SmartFormat is On
1. Remove battery. Insert battery back
2. Press and hold 'VolumeUp' and 'VolumeDown' keys
3. Insert cable
==== Wait for phone...
Phone found! [ 9 ]
Port Opened
InitBoot Done [ 0x81 ] , Ver : SPRD3
Sending FDL
[Info] : If SW freeze here more, than 15 seconds - remove cable
FDL Ready!
Boot Ver : SC7731 Crev eMMC Loader v2.0
Boot Ok!
FlashMode Set : Ok!
Checking Structure ...
Detected eMMC Flash , Structure detect Ok!
eMMC phone detected! Will use 'Safe Format' mode!
Mount : /data
Size : 0x00000001690F7000
State : 0x0001
Mount : /cache
Size : 0x0000000009600000
State : 0x0001
Prepare Ok! Format Ok!
Don't touch phone, until it fully bootup to "Welcome Screen"!
Android 5.x/6.x : Reset FRP Lock
Reset Ok!
Elapsed: 00:01:35
Reconnect Power/Cable!
Operation : Read FullFlash [ v1.26 ]
1. Remove battery. Insert battery back
2. Press and hold 'VolumeUp' and 'VolumeDown' keys
3. Insert cable
==== Wait for phone...
Phone found! [ 9 ]
Port Opened
InitBoot Done [ 0x81 ] , Ver : SPRD3
Sending FDL
[Info] : If SW freeze here more, than 15 seconds - remove cable
FDL Ready!
Boot Ver : SC7731 Crev eMMC Loader v2.0
Boot Ok!
FlashMode Set : Ok!
Detected eMMC Flash , Structure detect Ok!
[FW_READER] : Prepare Ok!
- > Wait phone connected ...
Phone found! [ 9 ]
Port Opened
InitBoot Done [ 0x81 ] , Ver : SPRD3
Sending FDL
[Info] : If SW freeze here more, than 15 seconds - remove cable
FDL Ready!
Boot Ver : SC7731 Crev eMMC Loader v2.0
Boot Ok!
- > Wait phone connected ...
Phone found! [ 9 ]
Port Opened
InitBoot Done [ 0x81 ] , Ver : SPRD3
Sending FDL
[Info] : If SW freeze here more, than 15 seconds - remove cable
FDL Ready!
Boot Ver : SC7731 Crev eMMC Loader v2.0
Boot Ok!
Model Name : V16
Model Brand : MAXTRON
Model Device: V16
AndrVersion : 7.0
BaseBand CPU: SP7731CEA
Project Ver : MAXTRON_V16_01_20171212
Model Ext : V16
[Read Mode] : HSUSB : 0x3000
[FW_READER] : Reading Firmware Now ...
[Read Ok] : u-boot-spl-16k.bin
[Read Ok] : u-boot.bin
[Read Ok] : prodnv.img
[Read Ok] : sc7731C_CP0_modem.bin
[Read Ok] : DSP_DM_Gx.bin
[Read Ok] : nvitem_w.bin
[Read Ok] : sc8830g_modem_CP2_WCN_Trunk_W17.27.4_Release.bin
[Read Ok] : nvitem_wcn.bin
[Read Ok] : logo_480x854.bin
[Read Ok] : fblogo_480x854.bin
[Read Ok] : boot.img
[Read Ok] : system.img
[Read Ok] : trustos.bin
[Read Ok] : vmm.bin
[Read Ok] : sysinfo.img
[Build Ok] : cache.img
[Read Ok] : recovery.img
[Build Ok] : userdata.img
AndroidInfo created
Firmware Size : 1607 MiB
Saved to : C:\Users\joelzr\Documents\CM2\Maxtron\V16\SP7731CEA_V16_7.0_MAXTRON_V16_01_20171212_V16\
Elapsed: 00:38:05
Reconnect Power/Cable!
Adapun Maxtron V16 bootloop cara hard resetnya boleh via recovery-nya dapat dicoba dengan tombol kombinasi berikut : power volume atas, power volume bawah, power dua volume, power home volume. Jika masih gagal, silakan lanjut flash saja.
Cara flash Maxtron V16 dapat kita gunakan research download saja, sebab chipsetnya spreadtrum, dan pastikan driver sudah kita instal sebelumnya.
![]() |
Bantuk tampilan depan tampilan maxtron V16 |
Maxtron V16 ini juga sama menyerupai seri sebelumnya (lihat serinya dibawah artikel ini), rentan LCD blank dan bergaris sesudah flash, jadi kami sarankan sebelum lanjut ke tahap software sebaiknya dibackup dulu filenya untuk jaga-jaga kalau sesudah flashing menyebabkan dilema gres yang tentunya tidak kita inginkan itu terjadi.
![]() |
Tampilan belakang lihat stiker dan samakan dengan hape ditangan anda (MODEL : V16) |
Cara Flash maxtron V16 sebagai berikut :
- Buka research download dulu (pake versi 4xx) saja
- Load packet
- Ambil file PAC nya
- Masuk ke setting\backup, hilangkan semua centang atas dan bawah, namun kalau tidak disetting tidak apa-apa, hanya kadang kuat pada imei saja
- Klik start downloading
- Tekan tombol boot (volume bawah) dan lanjut colok usb, kalau sesudah terdeteksi driver tidak jalan, tekan stop lanjut ulangi.
- Maxtron diamond MTK (MT6582)
- Maxtron Jupiter MTK
- Maxtron diamond SPD New
- Maxtron diamond SPD New Fix LCD Bergaris/Blank
- Maxtron diamond V13 Fix LCD blank
- Firmware maxtron Jupiter
- Firmware maxtron Pluto dan Pluto Prime
- Firmware maxtron V15
- Firmware Maxtron V17
Created by Infinity-Box (c) Chinese Miracle II (c) 2017
Device Brand : MAXTRON
Device Model : V16
Device CPU : sp7731cea
Device IntName : V16
Device Version : 7.0
Device Compile : 12/12/2017 7:55:30
Device Project : MAXTRON_V16_01_20171212
Device ExtInfo : V16
Chinese Miracle II [SPD module] v 1.26
Set mode to : SP [SC773x] eMMC [Android 6.x]
Operation : Format File System / Reset Settings [ v1.26 ]
Settings : SmartFormat is On
1. Remove battery. Insert battery back
2. Press and hold 'VolumeUp' and 'VolumeDown' keys
3. Insert cable
==== Wait for phone...
Phone found! [ 9 ]
Port Opened
Initial Boot Failed!
Boot not done, reason : Wrong BootKeys
Hint : Reset power and use ANOTHER BootKey ( VOL up or VOL down )
Reconnect Power/Cable!
Operation : Format File System / Reset Settings [ v1.26 ]
Settings : SmartFormat is On
1. Remove battery. Insert battery back
2. Press and hold 'VolumeUp' and 'VolumeDown' keys
3. Insert cable
==== Wait for phone...
Phone found! [ 9 ]
Port Opened
Initial Boot Failed!
Boot not done, reason : Wrong BootKeys
Hint : Reset power and use ANOTHER BootKey ( VOL up or VOL down )
Reconnect Power/Cable!
Operation : Format File System / Reset Settings [ v1.26 ]
Settings : SmartFormat is On
1. Remove battery. Insert battery back
2. Press and hold 'VolumeUp' and 'VolumeDown' keys
3. Insert cable
==== Wait for phone...
Phone found! [ 9 ]
Port Opened
InitBoot Done [ 0x81 ] , Ver : SPRD3
Sending FDL
[Info] : If SW freeze here more, than 15 seconds - remove cable
FDL Ready!
Boot Ver : SC7731 Crev eMMC Loader v2.0
Boot Ok!
FlashMode Set : Ok!
Checking Structure ...
Detected eMMC Flash , Structure detect Ok!
eMMC phone detected! Will use 'Safe Format' mode!
Mount : /data
Size : 0x00000001690F7000
State : 0x0001
Mount : /cache
Size : 0x0000000009600000
State : 0x0001
Prepare Ok! Format Ok!
Don't touch phone, until it fully bootup to "Welcome Screen"!
Android 5.x/6.x : Reset FRP Lock
Reset Ok!
Elapsed: 00:01:35
Reconnect Power/Cable!
Operation : Read FullFlash [ v1.26 ]
1. Remove battery. Insert battery back
2. Press and hold 'VolumeUp' and 'VolumeDown' keys
3. Insert cable
==== Wait for phone...
Phone found! [ 9 ]
Port Opened
InitBoot Done [ 0x81 ] , Ver : SPRD3
Sending FDL
[Info] : If SW freeze here more, than 15 seconds - remove cable
FDL Ready!
Boot Ver : SC7731 Crev eMMC Loader v2.0
Boot Ok!
FlashMode Set : Ok!
Detected eMMC Flash , Structure detect Ok!
[FW_READER] : Prepare Ok!
- > Wait phone connected ...
Phone found! [ 9 ]
Port Opened
InitBoot Done [ 0x81 ] , Ver : SPRD3
Sending FDL
[Info] : If SW freeze here more, than 15 seconds - remove cable
FDL Ready!
Boot Ver : SC7731 Crev eMMC Loader v2.0
Boot Ok!
- > Wait phone connected ...
Phone found! [ 9 ]
Port Opened
InitBoot Done [ 0x81 ] , Ver : SPRD3
Sending FDL
[Info] : If SW freeze here more, than 15 seconds - remove cable
FDL Ready!
Boot Ver : SC7731 Crev eMMC Loader v2.0
Boot Ok!
Model Name : V16
Model Brand : MAXTRON
Model Device: V16
AndrVersion : 7.0
BaseBand CPU: SP7731CEA
Project Ver : MAXTRON_V16_01_20171212
Model Ext : V16
[Read Mode] : HSUSB : 0x3000
[FW_READER] : Reading Firmware Now ...
[Read Ok] : u-boot-spl-16k.bin
[Read Ok] : u-boot.bin
[Read Ok] : prodnv.img
[Read Ok] : sc7731C_CP0_modem.bin
[Read Ok] : DSP_DM_Gx.bin
[Read Ok] : nvitem_w.bin
[Read Ok] : sc8830g_modem_CP2_WCN_Trunk_W17.27.4_Release.bin
[Read Ok] : nvitem_wcn.bin
[Read Ok] : logo_480x854.bin
[Read Ok] : fblogo_480x854.bin
[Read Ok] : boot.img
[Read Ok] : system.img
[Read Ok] : trustos.bin
[Read Ok] : vmm.bin
[Read Ok] : sysinfo.img
[Build Ok] : cache.img
[Read Ok] : recovery.img
[Build Ok] : userdata.img
AndroidInfo created
Firmware Size : 1607 MiB
Saved to : C:\Users\joelzr\Documents\CM2\Maxtron\V16\SP7731CEA_V16_7.0_MAXTRON_V16_01_20171212_V16\
Elapsed: 00:38:05
Reconnect Power/Cable!
Firmware Maxtron V16
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