Communication And Interpersonal Skills, 2 Ed. (2015)
Saturday, December 15, 2018
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Communication and Interpersonal Skills, 2 ed. (2015)
The second edition of this popular book will enable nursing and health care students to improve their communication and interpersonal skills. It provides an introduction to the theory that underpins communication studies and offers opportunities for students to reflect on their own practice. The book gives students helpful guidelines and tips, while emphasising that successful communication depends on the quality of the relationship.The new edition covers:
* Key concepts in communication;
* Self-awareness and understanding our impact on others;
* Transactional Analysis;
* Listening skills;
* Communication skills in practice;
* An extended case study that brings together the concepts and principles discussed throughout the book.
Resource :
Download : Communication and Interpersonal Skills, 2 ed. (2015)
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